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Notification handlers

GET https://push.hallo-webseite.de/api/notification-handlers/
curl --request GET \
--url 'https://push.hallo-webseite.de/api/notification-handlers/' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
Parameters Details Description
page Optional Integer The page number that you want results from. Defaults to 1.
results_per_page Optional Integer How many results you want per page. Allowed values are: 10 , 25 , 50 , 100 , 250 , 500 , 1000. Defaults to 25.
{ "data": [ { "id": 1, "type": "email", "name": "Work email", "settings": { "email": "hey@example.com" }, "is_enabled": true, "last_datetime": null, "datetime": "2025-03-09 15:25:23" } ], "meta": { "page": 1, "results_per_page": 25, "total": 1, "total_pages": 1 }, "links": { "first": "https://push.hallo-webseite.de/api/notification-handlers?&page=1", "last": "https://push.hallo-webseite.de/api/notification-handlers?&page=1", "next": null, "prev": null, "self": "https://push.hallo-webseite.de/api/notification-handlers?&page=1" } }
GET https://push.hallo-webseite.de/api/notification-handlers/{notification_handler_id}
curl --request GET \
--url 'https://push.hallo-webseite.de/api/notification-handlers/{notification_handler_id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
{ "data": { "id": 1, "type": "email", "name": "Work email", "settings": { "email": "hey@example.com" }, "is_enabled": true, "last_datetime": null, "datetime": "2025-03-09 15:25:23" } }
POST https://push.hallo-webseite.de/api/notification-handlers
Parameters Details Description
name Required String -
type Required String Allowed values: email , webhook , slack , discord , telegram , microsoft_teams , twilio , twilio_call , whatsapp , x , push_subscriber_id
email Optional String Available when: type = email Email
webhook Optional String Available when: type = webhook Webhook URL
slack Optional String Available when: type = slack Slack webhook URL
discord Optional String Available when: type = discord Discord webhook URL
telegram Optional String Available when: type = telegram Telegram API Token
telegram_chat_id Optional String Available when: type = telegram Telegram Chat ID
x_consumer_key Optional String Available when: type = x Telegram API Token
x_consumer_secret Optional String Available when: type = x Telegram API Token
x_access_token Optional String Available when: type = x Telegram API Token
x_access_token_secret Optional String Available when: type = x Telegram API Token
twilio Optional String Available when: type = twilio Phone number
twilio_call Optional String Available when: type = twilio_call Phone number
whatsapp Optional String Available when: type = whatsapp Phone number
curl --request POST \
--url 'https://push.hallo-webseite.de/api/notification-handlers' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--form 'name=Example' \
--form 'type=email' \
--form 'email=hello@example.com' \
{ "data": { "id": 1 } }
POST https://push.hallo-webseite.de/api/notification-handlers/{notification_handler_id}
Parameters Details Description
name Optional String -
type Optional String Allowed values: email , webhook , slack , discord , telegram , microsoft_teams , twilio , twilio_call , whatsapp , x , push_subscriber_id
email Optional String Available when: type = email Email
webhook Optional String Available when: type = webhook Webhook URL
slack Optional String Available when: type = slack Slack webhook URL
discord Optional String Available when: type = discord Discord webhook URL
telegram Optional String Available when: type = telegram Telegram API Token
telegram_chat_id Optional String Available when: type = telegram Telegram Chat ID
x_consumer_key Optional String Available when: type = x Telegram API Token
x_consumer_secret Optional String Available when: type = x Telegram API Token
x_access_token Optional String Available when: type = x Telegram API Token
x_access_token_secret Optional String Available when: type = x Telegram API Token
twilio Optional String Available when: type = twilio Phone number
twilio_call Optional String Available when: type = twilio_call Phone number
whatsapp Optional String Available when: type = whatsapp Phone number
is_enabled Optional Boolean -
curl --request POST \
--url 'https://push.hallo-webseite.de/api/notification-handlers/{notification_handler_id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--form 'name=Example new name' \
--form 'is_enabled=1' \
{ "data": { "id": 1 } }
DELETE https://push.hallo-webseite.de/api/notification-handlers/{notification_handler_id}
curl --request DELETE \
--url 'https://push.hallo-webseite.de/api/notification-handlers/{notification_handler_id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \